Wednesday, July 05, 2006

Breaking the Law For Cancer

I went to bed last night thinking "that was the longest weekend ever," and I woke up this morning thinking "yeah, not so much going to make it to work today." So, hooray for July 5! I plan to celebrate by doing laundry, grocery shopping and finishing the very first edition of the Best Running Mix In History. I'm wild, y'all.

So, the CD: you guys, this is perhaps my best work. To not make it available to the public would be a crime. Almost as much of a crime as selling copywrited materials. The songs are short, keeping the attention span of even the most severe ADD case. There are songs for which you know all the words, songs you've never heard in your life and songs about how fame won't change us.

Anyway, I will be giving these CD away with a minimum donation of $5. I will have some available at the happy hour tomorrow, but I can also mail them out to anyone who's in need. I am a firm believer in the idea that workout mixes are most effective when you don't know what's coming. So, I can't really allow you to examine the playlist. But, if you decide you want one and you simply can't abide, say, hip hop or chick bands or monster ballads or whatever, I can easily customize your CD. But, before you make such a demand, think to yourself: Dare I mess with genius?

Meanwhile, dear readers, I will leave you will one of my favorite mix resources.


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